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2022-11-03 16:41:13 -04:00

258 lines
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using DeviceSim.Helpers;
using Simulator.DataObjects;
using Simulator.DataStore.Stores;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace DeviceSim.Controllers
public class ApiTripController : BaseTripController
private Trip CurrentTrip;
private List<TripPoint> CurrentTripPoints;
private TripStore tripStore;
private TripPointStore tripPointStore;
private PoiStore poiStore;
private UserStore userStore;
private string userApiEndPoint;
private string poiApiEndPoint;
private string tripsApiEndPoint;
private DateTime dateTime;
public ApiTripController(DBConnectionInfo dBConnectionInfo, string UserApiEndPoint,string PoiApiEndPoint, string TripsApiEndPoint ) : base(dBConnectionInfo)
userApiEndPoint = UserApiEndPoint;
poiApiEndPoint = PoiApiEndPoint;
tripsApiEndPoint = TripsApiEndPoint;
tripStore = new TripStore(tripsApiEndPoint);
tripPointStore = new TripPointStore(tripsApiEndPoint);
poiStore = new PoiStore(poiApiEndPoint);
userStore = new UserStore(userApiEndPoint);
public async Task CreateTrip()
dateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
CurrentTrip = new Trip
Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
UserId = "Hacker 1",
Name = $"API-Trip {DateTime.Now}",
RecordedTimeStamp = dateTime.AddTicks(-1 * dateTime.Ticks % 10000),
EndTimeStamp = dateTime.AddTicks(-1 * dateTime.Ticks % 10000),
UpdatedAt = dateTime.AddTicks(-1 * dateTime.Ticks % 10000),
Distance = 5.95,
Rating = 90,
Created = dateTime.AddTicks(-1 * dateTime.Ticks % 10000)
CurrentTrip = await tripStore.CreateItemAsync(CurrentTrip);
await CreateTripPoints();
await CreatePois();
await UpdateUserProfile();
await UpdateTrip();
catch (Exception)
throw new Exception($"Trip was not Recorded Successfully: \n Trip Name : {CurrentTrip.Name} \n Trip Guid: {CurrentTrip.Id}");
public async Task CreateTripPoints()
CurrentTripPoints = new List<TripPoint>();
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
Vin v = new Vin() { String = string.Empty, Valid = false };
foreach (var tps in TripPointSourceInfo)
TripPoint _tripPoint = new TripPoint()
Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
TripId = new Guid(CurrentTrip.Id),
Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(tps.Lat),
Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(tps.Lon),
Speed = Convert.ToDouble(tps.Speed),
RecordedTimeStamp = Convert.ToDateTime(tps.Recordedtimestamp),
Sequence = Convert.ToInt32(tps.Sequence),
Rpm = Convert.ToDouble(tps.Enginerpm),
ShortTermFuelBank = Convert.ToDouble(tps.Shorttermfuelbank),
LongTermFuelBank = Convert.ToDouble(tps.Longtermfuelbank),
ThrottlePosition = Convert.ToDouble(tps.Throttleposition),
RelativeThrottlePosition = Convert.ToDouble(tps.Relativethrottleposition),
Runtime = Convert.ToDouble(tps.Runtime),
DistanceWithMalfunctionLight = Convert.ToDouble(tps.Distancewithmil),
EngineLoad = Convert.ToDouble(tps.Engineload),
//MassFlowRate = Convert.ToDouble(tps.Mafflowrate),
EngineFuelRate = Convert.ToDouble(tps.Enginefuelrate),
Vin = v,
CreatedAt = dateTime.AddTicks(-1 * dateTime.Ticks % 10000),
UpdatedAt = dateTime.AddTicks(-1 * dateTime.Ticks % 10000)
//Update Time Stamps to current date and times before sending to IOT Hub
foreach (TripPoint tripPoint in CurrentTripPoints)
await tripPointStore.CreateItemAsync(tripPoint);
catch (Exception)
throw new Exception($"Could not update Trip Time Stamps from Samples at {DateTime.Now.ToString()}.");
//Console.WriteLine($"Processing Sequence No: {tripPoint.Sequence} on Thread : {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}");
//Parallel.ForEach(CurrentTripPoints, tripPoint =>
// tripPointStore.CreateItemAsync(tripPoint);
// Console.WriteLine($"Processing Sequence No: {tripPoint.Sequence} on Thread : {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}");
//Console.WriteLine("TripPoint Processing Completed");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Could not create/update Trip Points. For more detail see: {ex.Message}.");
private void UpdateTripPointTimeStamps(Trip trip)
//Sort Trip Points By Sequence Number
CurrentTripPoints = CurrentTripPoints.OrderBy(p => p.Sequence).ToList();
List<timeInfo> timeToAdd = new List<timeInfo>();
System.TimeSpan tDiff;
//Create a Variable to Track the Time Range as it Changes
System.DateTime runningTime = CurrentTrip.RecordedTimeStamp;
//Calculate the Difference in time between Each Sequence Item
for (int currentTripPoint = (CurrentTripPoints.Count - 1); currentTripPoint > -1; currentTripPoint--)
if (currentTripPoint > 0)
tDiff = CurrentTripPoints.ElementAt(currentTripPoint).RecordedTimeStamp
- CurrentTripPoints.ElementAt(currentTripPoint - 1).RecordedTimeStamp;
timeToAdd.Add(new timeInfo() { evtSeq = CurrentTripPoints.ElementAt(currentTripPoint).Sequence, tSpan = tDiff });
//Sort List in order to Add time to Trip Points
timeToAdd = timeToAdd.OrderBy(s => s.evtSeq).ToList();
//Update Trip Points
for (int currentTripPoint = 1, timeToAddCollIdx = 0; currentTripPoint < CurrentTripPoints.Count; currentTripPoint++, timeToAddCollIdx++)
runningTime = runningTime.Add(timeToAdd[timeToAddCollIdx].tSpan);
CurrentTripPoints.ElementAt(currentTripPoint).RecordedTimeStamp = runningTime;
// Update Initial Trip Point
CurrentTripPoints.ElementAt(0).RecordedTimeStamp = CurrentTrip.RecordedTimeStamp;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Could not update Trip Time Stamps from Samples. for more info see:{ex.Message}.");
public async Task CreatePois()
//CurrentPois = new List<Poi>();
foreach (var poi in TripPOIsource)
dateTime = DateTime.Now;
await poiStore.CreateItemAsync(new Poi
TripId = new Guid(CurrentTrip.Id),
Latitude = poi.Latitude,
Longitude = poi.Longitude,
PoiType = poi.Poitype,
Deleted = false,
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
Timestamp = dateTime.AddTicks(-1 * dateTime.Ticks % 10000)
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine($"POI Creation Failure : {DateTime.Now.ToString()}");
CurrentTrip.HardStops = TripPOIsource.Where(p => p.Poitype == 2).Count();
CurrentTrip.HardAccelerations = TripPOIsource.Where(p => p.Poitype == 1).Count();
private async Task UpdateTrip()
//Get Current Trip and Update it After TripPoints Creation
CurrentTrip.Distance = 5.95;
CurrentTrip.IsComplete = true;
CurrentTrip.EndTimeStamp =
CurrentTripPoints.Last<TripPoint>().RecordedTimeStamp.AddTicks(-1 * CurrentTripPoints.Last<TripPoint>().RecordedTimeStamp.Ticks % 10000);
CurrentTrip.Rating = 90;
await tripStore.UpdateItemAsync(CurrentTrip);
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine($"Trip Statistics Update Failure : {DateTime.Now.ToString()}");
private async Task UpdateUserProfile()
//Get User
List<User> users = userStore.GetItemsAsync().Result;
User CurrentUser = users.Where(u => u.UserId == "Hacker 1").SingleOrDefault();
//Update USer
CurrentUser.TotalDistance = CurrentUser.TotalDistance + CurrentTrip.Distance;
CurrentUser.HardStops = CurrentUser.HardStops + CurrentTrip.HardStops;
CurrentUser.HardAccelerations = CurrentUser.HardAccelerations + CurrentTrip.HardAccelerations;
string json = CurrentUser.ToJson();
await userStore.UpdateItemAsync(CurrentUser);
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine($"User Profile Update Failure : {DateTime.Now.ToString()}");